Saturday, April 24, 2010

Library After Hours (Leave the Sunshine Out)

"My Friends the Wild Chimpanzees" by Jane Goodall

Photographer/Editor: michael w.

Rave On (The Buddy Holly song, not 90's ecstasy partays)

If I can pick one decade to be stuck in forever, it would be the 1950's. Sure, they were pretty racist and sexist, but their catchy lingoes, space travel obsessions, and demure color palettes somehow still wins me over.

Midwest Alleyways

The alleyways around here are bizarre. Smelly dumpsters and giant rats are nowhere to be seen. Instead, pleasant flower-patterned armchairs and nostalgic white picket fences are the norm.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Vintage

I have an obsession for vintage and used clothing.
Take me to a Salvation Army and I will somehow mysteriously come out with a DVF sweater or a 1990's Mickey Mouse Sweater. Yes, crazy old women and sketchy looking men push you around, but the finds are well worth the awkward social interactions.